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For Year 5: 2015/ 2016 To Do List

Another year has past, another list has been created, so another blog must go up.

So far for 2015 has been a great one for me. I don’t know what it is exactly I can’t put my finger on it except to say it’s a feeling I have on the inside. It can escape me at times but mostly if I take some deep breathes and calm my center I can feel the passion and ambition to keep going on my journey. I trust my gut to guide me in the right direction without having to over think it.

There is something about the feeling I have when I am typing. Simultaneously I am achieving peace and joy. I don’t care if it’s in the middle of the night, sleep does not seem important until I have tickled the ivory keys of my Mac. It does not matter what the words or the topic is. Just the exercise of that action does something for me. To know that I will always find something to write about, to share, to explore, means that I will have this feeling the rest of my life. There is a magic purposefulness that comes with that knowledge.

Last year’s list did not play a focal point in what I did or did not to. Quite frankly the last year or two the list has been more like this noisy reminder of how much I still had to do. Now that I am in a different place emotionally, mentally, and physically I have a more positive view of my list. Even the thought of writing this annual blog came with little stress.

I am now taking the stance that this list serves as an ideal inventory of what I would like to see and do between now and this time next year. I know that they will mostly be out of my reach but at the same time I like knowing I have all of my N.Y.C. goals in one spot. I make it a point to put things on the list that are within reason especially when there are time constraints for shows or exhibits. Other than that I can prioritize what I do as time progresses. No matter what I am able to do I will keep in mind that I am moving forward despite how many experiences I cross off my list. By creating a list in the first place I am acknowledging my heart’s desires by bringing awareness to them.

It pains me to realize that some people never let their heart choose their path. That they are living a life where what they do and where they go do not result, at least some of the time, on their passions in life. For that matter sometimes it takes a lifetime to find out what you really want, and there are some that never want to even try. The thought of living a life like that is heartbreaking to me. I must admit that I am proud I am trying to live my dream and hope to have the emotional strength to push through all of the way.

With that being said I turn my attention back to the year ahead of me and the to do list that will act as my guide. But before I get to that it is time to reflect on 2014.

I was the busiest in November seeing plays and hanging out in the theater district just about every weekend. Not only did I see some amazing shows, most if not all were on that year’s to do list. I was also able to keep a good pace at producing blogs related to what I did at a faster rate than I had been able to for a long time.

In May I wrote one of the hardest most taxing series so far, about the windy city, Chicago. This was a blog series I wanted to write for a long time but the thought was overwhelming. When I finally had the time as I wrote each entry I had to power through that fear and hard work to produce what I consider one of my best pieces. Since that time I look at the series I write with less anxiety but more confidence.

I would be at fault if I did not mention the personal blogs commemorating the special occasions in my family’s life. I finally got to write a passage for both my father and brother.

Meeting the “Notorious RBG” the second woman Justice on the Supreme Court was a highlight in my life and then my blog.

Finally my hotel series was another I am very proud of. Although I had to work on it over several months due to my health I did manage to complete it as it was posted from September to December. I believe it is the most thorough examination of my travel bookings up until that time. It is possible that I might write an update when the time is right, perhaps in a year or two when I have enough wisdom to impart.

After reviewing my past year’s work I was then able to see what I accomplished and where I have room to grow. In addition to writing more frequently, a very strong personal goal, I have kept the remaining items on my list while adding some new restaurants and sights.

Here with out further ado here are the contenders for this year’s list.

2015/2016 To Do List:

     I.     Plays/Shows

a)   Smash on Broadway (slim chance)
b)   Aladdin on Broadway
c)    Bill Maher at New York City Comedy Festival
d)   Meghan Trainor
e)   Taylor Swift
f)     Mary J. Blige
g)   Rihanna

  II.     Activities/Lectures/Exhibits

a)   FDR Four Freedoms Park
b)   Weeksville Heritage Center
c)    Brooklyn Historical Society
d)   Harriet Tubman Statute in Harlem
e)   Harriet Tubman’s House
f)     Collyer Brothers Park
g)   Morris-Jumel Mansion
h)   Alexander Hamilton’s Grange House
i)     Old Stone House
j)     Teddy Roosevelt’s Sagamore Hill (reopening July 13, 2015)
k)   FDR Home in Hyde Park & FDR Presidential Library
l)     Vanderbilt Mansion Historical Site
m) Grant’s Tomb
n)   The Conference House in Staten Island
o)   Raynham Music Hall
p)   Lyndhurst Mansion
q)   Jay Heritage Center
r)    Woodlawn Cemetery

III.     Food

a) Meals

·     Hill Country BBQ
·     Lasagna Ristorante
·     S’Mac
·     B & B WinePub (Burger and Barrel)
·     El Toro Blanco
·     Blue Hill
·     Kefi
·     Gato
·     Fresco by Scotto
·     Marta’s
·     Artichoke Basille’s Pizza
·     Prova Pizza
·     Best Pizza (Williamsburg)
·     Emmett’
·     Frankies 457
·     Stone Park Café
·     The Lamb’s Club
·     Garden Brunch at the Four Seasons
·     Sunday Brunch at the Waldorf Astoria
·     Amy Ruth’s
·     The Frying Pan
·     12th Street Bar & Grill
·     Lafayette
·     Luke’s Lobster
·     100 Montaditos
·     Beacher’s Handmade Cheese 
·     Buttermilk Channel
·     Hunt and Fish Club
·     Triomphe
·     Craft
·     Landmarc
·     Rye House
·     Mighty Quinn’s BBQ
·     Waterzooi Belgian Bistro
·     The Melting Pot (Farmingdale)
·     Patsy’s
·     Sarabeth’s

b) Desserts

·     Blue Spoon Coffee
·     Sugar, Sweet Sunshine Bakery
·     Sullivan Street Bakery
·     First Prize Pies
·     Holy Cream/Doughnut Ice Cream Sandwich
·     Laughing Man Coffee
·     Levain Bakery
·     Pies and Thighs
·     Sugar and Plumm
·     Murray’s Cheese
·     Insomnia Cookies
·     Blue Bottle Coffee
·     Federal Donuts
·     Black Seed Bagels
·     Ample Hills Creamery
·     Pelzer’s Pretzels

Currently I’m planning some of these adventures for the spring. I love when the weather starts to get nice making it a pleasure to be out. Great weather makes my head happy all the while doing something I have wanted to makes my soul happy. 

I am in the zone more determined to make the most of every single day. This is the motto I am using as my career/philosophy maxim. It is not easy to maintain daily but I try all day long.

As I look ahead I’m grateful for my past journeys for bringing me to where I needed to be. I am looking forward excited to see where this new expanded to do list leads me.
Ready, set, here I go!

For My Favorite 2014 Blogs:

For Previous To Do Lists:


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